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Frank Will


Dr Frank S. Will

Current Role: CEO, Expert for Engine Damages, Exhaust Emissions, Fuel Consumption
Country: Australia and Germany
Languages:  English and German
Contact: Contact Now


About Frank

Frank Will supports vehicle manufactures, component suppliers, industry associations and individuals with engineering services, inventions and training. Franks automotive experience and –passion earned him the significant recognition and led the Society of Automotive Engineers Australia (SAE-A) to name him fellow of SAE-A. His passion for energy efficiency dates back from first oil crisis when the German Government introduced a ban to drive cars on selected Sundays. The drive to improve the safety of two-wheelers was inspired by several accidents that he luckily survived, unlike one of his neighbours who lost his head when he hit a guide post.

Frank founded Ino8 in 2006 when his previous employer Ford was not interest in his idea to develop a leaning car, efficient and fun like a motorbike but safe and comfortable like a car. So he invented Safe8™, an affordable balance control, which is an enabler for a new generation of leaning cars. When he completed his PhD project – while working as senior lecturer – Frank discovered several new opportunities to reduce exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. Business angel and mentor Bob Beaumont stated “Mr Will’s OVER7™ waste heat recovery technology is probably one of the most important automotive engine developments in Australia during the last decade due to its simplicity and substantial reduction in emissions and fuel consumption”.

Success Stories

  • Initiated calibration- and hardware changes resulting in lifetime fuel savings of 150 million litres per year production volume
  • Established real world fuel economy drive cycle in car manufacturer’s product development system
  • Holds 30 granted patents and many pending patent applications.
  • Established a new learning framework called Value Based learning (VBL) that creates real economic value during a unit by tackling currently unsolved problems. It results in inventions, the creation of new businesses and enhances student engagement and satisfaction.
  • Developed training about the process of systematic inventing to help anyone can make their own inventions
  • Developed and implemented a framework for business reengineering that lead to operational efficiency improvements of over 50% in several cases

Personal Insight

For over 20 years Frank competed in professional motor cycle racing starting with trials over grass track to Moto Cross, Super Cross and Enduro where he made many friends around the world. This brought him to Australia where he picked up surfing at the breaks around Bells Beach, while helping his wife raising four children with whom he enjoys sharing his passions. So a dream came true that he shared with one of his best friends who couldn’t do the same as he died of cancer aged 27.

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